Introducing the PiBurner Spotlight Blog series

PiBurner Spotlight Blog Series

At LensDigital we are laser-focused on your success.

Past PiBurners:

  1. PiBurner Spotlight: Emily Caroline aka That Mom with a Laser
  2. PiBurner Spotlight: Todd and Misty Tomlinson
  3. PiBurner Spotlight: Shane Whitecloud
  4. PiBurner Spotlight: Cathe Ray
  5. PiBurner Spotlight: Hope Yoder
  6. PiBurner Spotlight: Yasmany R. Lazo
  7. PiBurner Spotlight: Sumita and Anuj Patel
  8. PiBurner Spotlight: Heather Lynn
  9. PiBurner Spotlight: Liz Rivers
  10. PiBurner Spotlight: Robert Kofoed
  11. PiBurner Spotlight: Robin Faro
  12. PiBurner Spotlight: Tabitha Richardson
  13. PiBurner Spotlight: Alex (Cappy) Caprilozzi
  14. PiBurner Spotlight: Kristin Williamson
  15. PiBurner Spotlight: Christine Estellon
  16. PiBurner Spotlight: Crystal Aguila
  17. PiBurner Spotlight: Stephanie Murphy
  18. PiBurner Spotlight: Dawn Marie

Looking for more to-the-point advice on how to make money with your rotary right now? Check out PiBurn Gigs blog.

Vava Yeti 1

We want to see you succeed with your laser business or hobby. Many makers ask us, how should we make money using your rotary? Well, to answer that question, we decided to create a series of blog posts featuring some of our awesome customers hoping this will serve as inspiration for others.

The market is big. In fact, it’s HUGE and growing. There are 32 million small businesses in the US alone. All of them need to connect with their customers.

People want customization, and that’s where you come in, addressing a significant gap in the market with your business. And the most surprising thing we found? The number of totally different ways you can grow your business is astounding!

Laser Engraved Champagne Bottles

But does it make sense to invest in a premium rotary tool like the PiBurn? Well, think about it this way:

Some of our customers charge 25$ per engraving a cup or tumbler. Just 30 tumblers (could be in just one order!) will cover the cost of the PiBurn and it will keep giving and giving. This is why so many of our customers swear by it – not only does it save them time and frustration (cheaper rotaries are just not as quality built and not as versatile) they think it’s a real no-brainer.

But instead of telling you this, we wanted to talk about their inspiring success stories.

And the great news? You could be our NEXT featured PiBurner! We will write about you and your business, including the story on our blog, and blast it to our huge mailing list.


Why read this blog? The PiBurner Spotlight Blog Series is built to help you succeed!

PiBurner of the week is a blog series that will feature some of our totally awesome customers and the great work they do with the PiBurn. Here is what you can get from the blog:

  • Learn how others make money with the PiBurn, get inspired
  • See how people build and grow their business and do the same for yours
  • Learn what your customers want and see the latest and greatest in engraving trends

There are tons of great things this blog series has to offer, so don’t forget to check it out often and subscribe to our newsletter.



How do you apply to be a featured PiBurner?

Easy as 1-2-3

1. Join our official community on Facebook: PiBurn Labs

2. Make your first post about your projects on your PiBurn and include as many pictures as you’d like. Include links to your Etsy or other online stores and a bit about your business or hobby.

3. Leave a review for the PiBurn here. Click Reviews, leave your impressions, and help others looking for a good rotary.

With a little luck and a little time, we will contact you and ask you to be our featured PiBurner of the week! Can’t wait? Contact us at [email protected] and tell us your story!

Don’t have Facebook? No Problem, leave a review and contact us here.

Don’t have a PiBurn yet? Check it out here.

wine bottle

What is the PiBurn and what’s with all the love it gets?

The PiBurn is a laser rotary attachment and a work of several years of R&D. It is much more than that though. It is a way for you to consistently turn out tumblers, mugs, cups, and growlers of almost any shape and size. Behind the PiBurn is a team ready to help you if you get stuck. And even more importantly, there is a thriving, active community of makers who want to see and help each other succeed. And they absolutely love what the PiBurn has let them accomplish.

Boss Pi4

More than just a piece of hardware, the PiBurn lets you unleash your creativity and succeed at laser engraving.

Read all about it here

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Good luck and Happy PiBurning!
Len and Stan