Aeon Laser and PiBurn Laser Rotary Getting Started guide

PiBurn 4 or Grip paired with an Aeon  Laser makes a star team!

With these two tools, you are unstoppable!

Aeon Laser USA and Aeon Laser Canada have been LensDigital partners for years. They are an amazing team. A recent Aeon Laser Poll on their official community forum showed that most Aeon customers prefer the PiBurn over alternatives. In fact, Aeon laser owners choose the PiBurn nearly twice as often as every other rotary COMBINED.


One of the biggest reasons for this is, of course, our glorious innovators (affiliates) that have Aeon machines and help other makers succeed with theirs:

Emily aka That Mom With A Laser

Liz River from the Laser Outpost

Hope Yoder from Designs by Hope Yoder

Robin Faro, That Laser Lady

Sumita Patel from Home Bound Custom Decor

Cathe Ray aka the Floss Queen

Our very own Heather Lynn from LOBO Designs

….and many others

Many customers have asked for a starter guide for their Aeon Laser to help with  PiBurn setup, LightBurn settings, and general operation. Well, its lucky that our innovators have created lots of content to help get you started.

Need a getting started guide for Aeon Laser and PiBurn? Look no further. This is your place to start, grow, and succeed.


The first video from Emily, takes you through the basic setup on the PiBurn on a Aeon Mira 7 Laser. She uses her PiBurn 3 but don’t worry, the setup is almost identical to the PB4.


In the next video, Heather takes us though setting up your designs in LightBurn and Illustrator on the PiBurn 4.0 and Aeon Mira 9

In this video Hope explains how to enable the PiBurn 4 rotary and how the settings work with the Aeon Mira9

Ever wanted to engrave large Yeti or Stanley tumberls with Handles? Dont fret the handle! You can handle it with this handy PiBurn 4 video from Hope using her Aeon Mira 9


Did I hear someone say FULL WRAPS?! These are all the rage right now. Thankfully Emily has you covered with a How to Video


Have you seen other videos that might be helpful or have helped you on your Aeon? Please let us know.


Thanks and happy PiBurning!