PiBurn uses Stepper Motors in Nema 23 sizes. These come in 2 phase and 3 phase types. Please don’t confuse these with electrical phases in your home, it has nothing to do with your home power or voltages.
It’s very important to know type your laser machine can use. This should be same type of stepper motor as one that drives your Y gantry.
Laser Manufacturer
If you own a Boss Laser machine, look at your machine model. All laser models LS-16xx and above use 3-phase motor. Anything below that (like LS-1420) is 2-phase.
For Aeon Nova Lasers always choose 2-phase motor!
Best part is that we KNOW what kind of motor is needed for many machine models. During ordering you will be asked to put your Laser Machine make and model. Even if you choose wrong type of motor we’ll know which one you need and will ship you correct type!
Existing Motor Size
Now if you have different laser, easiest way to tell if by looking at your Y axis motor.
All motors sizes less than Nema 23 are 2 phase. Nema 23 motor’s front is 2.3″x2.3″ (or 57mm x 57mm). So if yours is smaller you have 2-phase motor. Otherwise continue identification process…
Check for any labels on the motor that might tell it’s model number. Then search online to see if you can find out motor specs and how many phases it is. No luck? Let’s take a look at
Number of wires on connector
Trace cable that’s coming of your Y axis motor to the plug. Check plug or socket (you might have to look from inside of the machine) to see how many wires it has. 3-phase stepper motor usually have 3 wires, sometimes 6. 2-phase will have 4 wires. Still can’t tell?
Check Stepper Driver
Each stepper motor in your laser is connected to it’s own stepper driver. It should look something like on the picture above.
There are 2 ways to tell if it’s 2-phase driver or 3-phase. If you can clearly see model number, search online and read it’s description.
Alternatively take a look at “High Voltage” terminal block. If it has marking “U V W”, it’s a 3 phase driver and you’ll need 3-phase motor.
If it has markings like “A+ A- B+ B-“, it’s a 2-phase driver and you’ll need 2 phase motor!