PiBurner of the Week: Hope Yoder

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Let’s celebrate our PiBurner of the week:


Hope Yoder


owner of

Designs by Hope Yoder


About Hope

It’s a special treat to introduce you to today’s PiBurner of the week: Hope Yoder.

Hope is the owner of Designs By Hope Yoder (check out her digital files here!) a company she started over 20 years ago with a focus on quality, education, and mentorship. Since its founding, the company has created retail products for the home crafting industry. Think watchbands, vinyl, cardstock, and many many more.

Hope also produces quality sewing patterns, machine embroidery designs, SVG files and has designed several lines of cotton quilting fabric. Her products are sold in hundreds of shops in America, Canada, and Australia.

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More than a maker, she is a leader. She built on her success as a maker and businesswoman but didn’t stop there. Not only is Hope a talented maker but also she is an inspiration to others.

She takes an active role in helping other makers… well, make it! 

As a published author and frequent contributor to crafting magazines and podcasts, Hope leans on her 20 years of expertise in the crafting industry to create an in-house training facility to host a series of in-person, hands-on retreats.

The first hands-on retreat is in January and is open to all Mira Laser Owners and Lightburn Users. Part of the retreat will include introducing… (you guessed it!) the PiBurn Rotary.

Find out more: https://hopeyoder.com/product/mira-laser-retreat-in-person-and-hands-on/.

Other retreats include events focused on: digital cutting, quilting, embroidery, and software retreats.

She lives with her husband Marv (married for 30+ years and she still claims he is the best man on the planet – how is this possible?) in sunny Sarasota Florida, home of Siesta Key Beach.

They have two grown daughters 24 and 22. Their oldest Hannah lives in Sarasota Florida and youngest Olivia is married and lives in Houston.

Hope’s Journey

Hope’s journey started with a few wholesale products, and by the grace of God, we gained national recognition and requests for adding hands-on teaching events to help teach, mentor, and help market products.

One of my most memorable events was working with Brother to introduce the first ScanNCut Digital Cutting Machine to the market while creating a training event for Brother retailers at their convention in 2013.


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During the launch of the ScanNCut machine, Hope started her first national training event at Brother Convention and named it the “Sip & Sew Tea Party.” Before she knew it, she had over 100 events booked. One hundred was way more than Hope expected and was the catalyst that started the educational events they are still hosting today.

With that sort of traction, other opportunities came naturally, and Hope was always ready

I have had the honor of being a spokesperson and the inspiration behind the brand of products for Embellish By RNK Distributing.

During this journey, we created software programs for embroidery machines and digital cutters, embroidery stabilizers, threads, sewing, quilting, and digital cutting accessories you can find in your local shops.  – Hope Yoder


When I first got to know Hope, I immediately wanted to learn more about her business and her growing community. She struck me as savvy and practical yet very honest, open, and truly passionate about helping other makers succeed, which was in line with our brand mission. I was so impressed with her and was, of course, thrilled to get a PiBurn in her hands.

Very soon after I offered Hope an affiliation with LensDigital and we are honored to have her join the club!

If you learned about the PiBurn with Hope’s help, please use her link


Why Hope chose PiBurn for her Aeon Mira 9

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In her own words…

I knew I needed not just any rotary but a PiBurn after watching Emily Caroline & Jeremy Jones‘ videos.

We have an online store where we offer products and fabric. I work locally with real estate agents and commercial businesses to make branded merchandise that sets them above the rest—what pushed me to make the purchase was having several local businesses asking for engraved wine glasses and tumblers. I knew I needed to go ahead and order the PiBurn, and all I can say is WOW! The rotary is very impressive; you can see and feel the quality when you take it out of the box. I’ve only had it for a short time and am impressed with how good the tumblers look and how easy it is to use. I can’t wait until the Christmas rush is over to spend some quality time with my PiBurn.

Makers like Hope inspire us to create great products and help makers succeed. But what inspires Hope?

What inspires Hope

There is nothing better than making something with your own hands and touching people’s hearts and imaginations with your craft. And inspiration? It can come from anywhere!

In Hope’s words:


I am a maker, a do-er, and a get-er-done kind of girl. I find inspiration everywhere I look. I may see a pretty purse, which inspires me to design a new sewing pattern. Once I was teaching at a sewing machine convention in Nashville, TN, and went to the Grand Ole Opry and saw Porter Wagner, known for his flashy rhinestone suits. He had a gorgeous white suit with lace overlays, which inspired my Nashville Lace Embroidery Collection. – Hope Yoder




Advice for Makers

Reading Hope’s content we picked up a recurring theme. She urges makers to not leave money on the table or worse let it go to someplace else.

Whenever there is a customer who wants something done, put yourself in a position to be able to do it. Need a new skill? Acquire it! Need a tool? Get it! Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself. Chances are, it will lead to more business and growth in the future.

Beautiful advice.


Hope’s Shop, YouTube, and Facebook Pages


Browse her website for an incredible selection of beautifully designed items:

My Shop – www.HopeYoder.com

Check out her videos!

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/HopeYoderHopeSewCreative

And connect with her awesome and growing communities on Facebook:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/hopeyoderdesigns

Facebook Engraving Group –  https://www.facebook.com/groups/engravingwithhopeyoder

Don’t forget to give her a follow on other social platforms:

Instagram –  https://www.instagram.com/hopeyodercreates

Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/hopeyoder/_created/

You’ll quickly see that Hope is prolific with her content creation and serious about the quality and value add of her content.


Thank you Hope for making and giving back!

It is a true honor to be able to put our PiBurn in the hands of a maker, a leader, a master of her craft.

This is what drives us at LensDigital – beyond creating simply great tools – it’s helping people like Hope be even more successful in their endeavors. What could be more rewarding than that?

For us, this is the main reason to keep on PiBurning!

Hope Yoder, Thank you!!! For being a leader, an inspiration, and of course a PiBurner!


That’s all for today my friends, and Happy PiBurning!

Stan & Len

PS: Want to be a featured PiBurner yourself? Find out how!
