PiBurner of the Week: Robin Faro

Let’s celebrate our PiBurner of the week!


Robin Faro

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owner at

That Laser Lady


Let’s Spin it Laser Rotary Group on Facebook

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It’s my pleasure to tell you all about Robin Faro, our PiBurner of the week!

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Meet Robin. In her laser group, Let’s Spin it, as well as many other laser communities, she is known as the Wrap Queen. Can you guess why?

She does incredible work with tumblers, among which are her mesmerizing full-wrap designs, like this awesome Yeti.

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And check out this FREE LensDigital file she is giving away:

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We really love that one!

Recently her business enabled her to live her dream. She quit her full-time job, to focus on pursuing her creative passion and spend more time with her family. What a success story!

About Robin

Robin is a maker, a mother, a wife, and a laser guru! She is the proud owner of That Laser Lady, an e-commerce business focused mostly on Tumblers that has officially been in business for the last three years.

Definitely check out some of her designs for inspiration.

She and her family are located in Apopka, FL, northwest of Orlando.

I am married to a Firefight/Paramedic, which means I get to laser every third day.

Robin has three wonderful children who are 25, 11 and 9 years old. They also have some furry friends as well.

My four-legged family members are Meatball (dog), Spaghetti (dog) and Ziti (cat).

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The Laser Journey

Robin’s laser journey began oddly enough with making epoxy tumblers. And just like for many other PiBurners, it was a Glowforge that became her gateway laser.

I really loved the artistic aspect of making them and that no two were alike. However, they took days to finish. I was gaining a good customer base and decided it was time to diversify and offer more to my customers. I bought a Glowforge and immediately started making wood crafts.

She didn’t realize that when she bought the GF that it would become a Christmas ornament-making machine!  In December of 2019, she made enough profits from making ornaments to purchase an Aeon Mira9.


This is where her business goals changed and it became a very real income stream. She primarily focused on monograms and ornaments for two years after that with great success.

Here come the tumblers

She bought the Mira 9, specifically for engraving tumblers.


Why focus on tumblers?

It was something about a person being able to carry around my artwork that appealed to me. At this time, I was still pretty busy with the wood crafts to get into tumblers, but it was always in the back of my mind.

We couldn’t agree with her more! Tumblers are an incredible way to connect with your customers. They usually associate you with that healing feel of hot coffee and the delicious aroma as they bring your tumbler close to their lips! What could be better than designing a Tumbler your customers will love for years and think of you after each sip?

Just look at the beauties!

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But the rotary she used originally did not grow with her as her Tumbler business expanded. She needed bigger guns to do the things she knew she could (like the tumblers above)

Fast forward a year and in my quest for a better rotary than the one that came with my laser, I stumbled upon PiBurn. I was immediately on it. So, then I started to try to find reviews and information on it and purhaps a discount – Yes, I am about that life. Thankfully Emily Caroline was able to help me out 😊

With the PiBurn things got moving even faster for Robin. After she spent a few weeks learning her new tool she had this to share:

Let me just say that this is when I knew I made the right decision with the PiBurn. It was just so easy to use. Every single tumbler turned out exactly the way I wanted.

This is one of the most important things we focus on when designing the PiBurn rotary. It has to be easy! It has to have a simple-to-follow manual, and it has to have extreme consistency so our customers can churn out the perfect tumblers over and over again!

And with her new tool in her arsenal, Robin’s repertoire grew by leaps and bounds from there.

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I started out just engraving names on all my friends’ Yetis…just because.

I then moved on to graphics that I had previously used when I was making epoxy tumblers. Then one day, I am scrolling through Pinterest and I saw this skinny tumbler that was engraved all the way around with a cheetah pattern and immediately had to try it. This right here is how it all began with my obsession for creating designs that would fit around a tapered tumbler.

Her Business Now

That brings us to the current day.

How is the Wrap Queen doing?

I am probably selling around 100 custom-designed tumblers a month, and it has become the biggest sellers on my website.

I can’t even say I have a favorite because each new one I design becomes my favorite. I don’t even know which I like better, creating the design or watching it come to fruition on a tumbler.

It’s just mesmerizing to watch one of Robins’s full-wrap designs turn on the PiBurn!

I have to say this journey has been amazing for me. Its enabled me to quit my full-time job in Feb ’22 which enabled me to spend more time with my family.

My youngest son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder a few years ago and requires daily trips to therapies, and this gives me the flexibility I need for his care.

This is what makes this business all worth it for us. Hearing stories like this inspires us to continue creating great tools that help our customers reach true success. Not just in business but in life.

Beta Tester

We are also proud to announce that Robin has been selected to Beta test our newest edition to the PiBurn Family, the PiBurn Grip.

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It is a chuck-style rotary that will greatly improve the types of work our customers can take on and offer on their stores. And Robin was the perfect candidate because full wraps take incredible precision and repeatability. She is now doing the type of work that is only possible on the Grip, and no other rotary can accomplish these jobs with this level of precision.

Here is a sneak peek at Robin’s newPiBurn Grip tearing through a tumbler with perfect ease and precision. Notice that it’s angled to account for the taper on the Tumbler. Yep, the Grip can do that!


Advice for those starting out

We always ask our Piburners to share a bit of their wisdom with folks who might be just starting in the laser business.

If I was to give any advice for those just starting out, make sure you are doing something you like right along with something that pays the bills…

Isn’t that a dream to be able to follow your creative passion and still make a good honest living?

And take the time to learn your tools. You will be so happy you did.

Taking the time to learn your way around the laser and forgiving yourself for making mistakes is an incredibly important lesson. Be gentle on yourself, make some mistakes, learn a new technique and find a new way of doing something. Not only will this be rewarding to you personally, but also to your bank account!

Important Links

If you liked learning about Robin’s story, please take a look at her website, her social channels and her FB account. If she helped you or inspired you to purchase a PiBurn, please use her affiliate link below. This helps us credit her for helping you find an amazing tool for your laser, you can thank her just by using her link!

PiBurn Affiliate Link:



Tik Tok:


[email protected]


How can you not be passionate about the laser business? Robin inspires us, and pushes us to create even more great tools for makers.

Robin, thank you for creating, for inspiring us to push the limits of our imaginations and test what’s possible with our lasers, and of course, the PiBurn Rotary!

Happy PiBurning!

Len and Stan

Laser-focused on your success!

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Your story is worth sharing too! Contact Stan to become our next PiBurner!