The wealthiest man on the planet lives in a small box

The wealthiest man on the planet lives in a small box

Elon Musk is worth more than the GDP of entire countries. 

And yet, he lives in a 400-square-foot shoebox.



The answer, of course, is TIME. The mobile home is close to the company he founded, SpaceX. He saves time on the commute, home maintenance, and small decisions like furniture and landscaping.

He invests his limited time into things he finds more important, like pushing our civilization to colonize other planets.

He has a mission, and that is how he invests his limited time. Everything else is a distraction and needs to go.

Time is the most precious resource each one of us has. But not all of us understand how limited it really is. Most of us act as if we have forever.

Ancient Greek philosophers of the Hellenistic period, inspired by Socrates, wrote of the concept they called “Memento Mori” to help themselves remember that they are merely mortal and their time will come to an end.


It should not be taken as a depressing thought, but merely a simple fact. It is true, no one is getting out of life alive.

What should we do?

To me, Memento Mori means we should be grateful for the time we do have and also make the most of it. We can spend it complaining that life isn’t perfect, fighting on social media, impressing neighbors with a flashy new car, and feeding our own egos. But is that really a worthwhile mission?

It makes me ask myself: What is your mission? How are you spending your most precious resource?

While our mission is less ambitious than interplanetary travel, we found it to be very rewarding nevertheless. We are here to help makers succeed. 

We create simple to use tools like the Vortex Vacuum table and the PiBurn for small businesses and hobbyists to use with the laser machines.

And, if we can make a few makers’ lives easier and their business more profitable, we consider it time well spent.

What is your mission?